Call for Papers (download as PDF)
The 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes (ManLang, formerly PPPJ) is a premier forum for presenting and discussing novel results in all aspects of managed programming languages and runtime systems, which serve as building blocks for some of the most important computing systems around, which range from small-scale (embedded and real-time systems) to large-scale (cloud-computing and big-data platforms) and anything in between (mobile, IoT, and wearable applications).
The conference proceedings will be published as part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series and will be disseminated through the ACM Digital Library.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Languages and Compilers
- Managed languages (e.g., Java, Scala, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C#, F#, Clojure, Groovy, Kotlin, R, Smalltalk, Racket, Rust, Go, etc.)
- Domain-specific languages
- Language design
- Compilers and interpreters
- Type systems and program logics
- Language interoperability
- Parallelism, distribution, and concurrency
Virtual Machines
- Managed runtime systems (e.g., JVM, Dalvik VM, Android Runtime (ART), LLVM, .NET CLR, RPython, etc.)
- VM design and optimization
- VMs for mobile and embedded devices
- VMs for real-time applications
- Memory management
- Hardware/software co-design
Techniques, Tools, and Applications
- Static and dynamic program analysis
- Testing and debugging
- Refactoring
- Program understanding
- Program synthesis
- Security and privacy
- Performance analysis and monitoring
- Compiler and program verification
Do not hesitate to contact the Program Chair (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you are unsure whether a particular topic falls within the scope of ManLang'18.
Submission Categories
See also the submission instructions and the important dates.
ManLang accepts four types of submissions:
- Regular research papers, which describe novel contributions involving managed language platforms (up to 12 pages excluding bibliography and appendix). Research papers will be evaluated based on their relevance, novelty, technical rigor, and contribution to the state-of-the-art.
- Work-in-progress research papers, which describe promising new ideas but yet have less maturity than full papers (up to 6 pages excluding bibliography and appendix). When evaluating work-in-progress papers, more emphasis will be placed on novelty and the potential of the new ideas than on technical rigor and experimental results.
- Industry and tool papers, which present technical challenges and solutions for managed language platforms in the context of deployed applications and systems (up to 6 pages excluding bibliography and appendix). Industry and tool papers will be evaluated on their relevance, usefulness, and results. Suitability for demonstration and availability will also be considered for tool papers.
- Posters, which can be accompanied by a one-page abstract and will be evaluated on similar criteria as Work-in-progress papers. Posters can accompany any submission as a way to provide additional demonstration and discussion opportunities.
ManLang 2018 submissions must conform to the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions and to the SIGPLAN Republication Policy.