// Set the name of your grammar here (and at the end of this grammar): COMPILER Empty // Add auxiliary methods and declaration here. // If you want your generated compiler case insensitive add the // keyword IGNORECASE here. CHARACTERS // Add character set declarations here. // Examples: // letter = 'A'..'Z' + 'a'..'z'. // digit = "0123456789". // cr = '\r'. // lf = '\n'. TOKENS // Add token declarations here. // Example: // ident = letter {letter | digit}. // number = digit {digit}. PRAGMAS // Add pragma declarations here. // Example: // switch = '$' { digit | letter }. (. Optional semantic action .) // Add comments here. // Example for a multi-line block comment: // COMMENTS FROM "/*" TO "*/" NESTED // Example for a single line comment: // COMMENTS FROM "//" TO lf // Set the ignored characters (whitespaces) here, the blank character is // ignored by default. // Example, add line breaks to the ignore set. // IGNORE cr + lf PRODUCTIONS // Add your productions here, one must have the same name as the grammar, // it will be the start symbol (entry point of your compiler). // Example: // Empty = "BEGIN" { Statement } "END". // Statement = ident "=" number { "+" number } . Empty= . // End of your compiler specification, make sure the name here matches // the grammar name at the start of this grammar. END Empty.