Project in Software Engineering

339.018 Mössenböck + members of SSW/Oracle Labs Introduction: Mo 08.03.2021, 16:00, online Presentations: Tu 29.06.2021, 15:30, online

Due to Covid-19, this course happens online:


The goal of this course is to do a non-trivial software project over a whole semester and to go through all its phases (requirements definition, design, implementation, testing, documentation). The projects should be done in teams of 2, but can also be selected by a single student. At the end of the semester, the results should be presented in a 15 minutes presentation.


  • Truffle: Interoperability Between C++ and Other Truffle Languages
    Currently, the GraalVM LLVM runtime supports cross-language interoperability based on C language constructs. The C language is missing many higher-level language constructs that other languages have, like classes, virtual method dispatch, exceptions and so on. The goal of this project is to enable interoperability between the C++ language and other Truffle languages, enabling the object-oriented features of C++ to be used from other languages and vice-versa.
    Contact: Dr. Roland Schatz (Oracle Labs)
    Student: Christoph Pichler

  • Interactive Visualization of Exam Data (JavaScript, D3)
    The goal of this project is to develop a web-based program in JavaScript (D3.js) that allows the visualization and the interactive exploration of data about exams. It should be used for the monitoring of things such as failure rates, number of registrations, and average marks per exam. The program should offer filtering and sorting options for iteractive exploration of the data. The data is provided in anonymized form by JKU.
    For details see here.
    Student: Oktay Akgül

Final Presentation

The results of every project have to be presented by all team members in a 15 minutes presentation on Tuesday, June 29, 15:30-17:00 (probably online). The presentation should mainly consist of a demo, but you should also shortly explain the problems tackled in this project and how you solved them.


The mark is derived from the quality of the implemented software (functionality, user friendlyness, robustness, readability and maintainability, documentation) as well as from the final presentation and the commitment during the semester.